This Left Turn Feels Write

February 25, 2020
by Rob Slater


4444+ words in the last 4 days on my “novel” writing project.


Robert L. Slater

10 tales and a teaser told on a quarantined cruiseship for 10 nights and a day. Times 10+1!

This one goes to 11.

Back in March of 2016, [New updates below.] I did a Facebook promotion called “Murder in March” with a bunch of other authors. The idea was that each of us would give away the right for a reader to become a character who would be murdered in a future book/story. Along with that I did a series of posts about what else I wanted to write in the Deserted Lands Universe. So, by March 15th, I had come up with idea for a retelling the Decameron, titled “Voyage of the Decameron.” In early April of 2016, I created a file called “Aboard the Decameron” with links to the outline of Boccaccio’s work.

Boccaccio set the Decameron in villas outside Florence during the plague, but my idea was to set mine on a cruise ship during my Bat Flu pandemic, it will feature 10 young characters crossing the Atlantic from Fort Lauderdale to Civitavecchia (Rome’s port city). Once there, they would have to wait 10 days in quarantine before coming ashore.

Story Prologue/Intro will launch on Leap Day, February 29th at 11:11 a.m. as a Blog Post. Adding one vignette [flash-ish short story of 1000-2000 words] everyday at 11:11 for 11 days. That will conclude the First Day stories. Repeat for Second Day.

  • Author’s Updates:
    • 8/8/2021. I will be pulling all the VotD series off line while I finish NO MAN’s LAND – Book III of the first trilogy. When I have finished the rough draft, I will start posting the first stories. I’m aiming for November and using NANOWRIMO the finish the first 5 days. I will probably post ever few days.
    • 5/8/2020, The pandemic, carpal tunnel syndrome, day job and a plethora of minor house maintenance disasters have slowed me down. I uploaded the 21st post this morning. First in a month. I waited to have it edited before uploading it after publishing one of my favorites, an homage to Ursula K. Le Guin and Boccaccio, with far too many errors.
    • 3/31/2020, I have completed 18 daily posts totalling 22,222 words since 2/29. So, this is going to take longer than I thought perhaps. I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo in April, with a goal of 1000 words a day.

After the Third day is done, the Second day will disappear from the blog. The prologue, prelude, intro, and First day stories, will stay up. I have two days to publish it with the intro as an ebook: “Day I – The Truth and a Lie.” Every two weeks another 11 come down and another collection is published: Day II, etc.

When I get three days done, I’ll publish a e-book/Print Omnibus and so on. At the end, I will have 111 entries, approximately 111,111 words and I will publish it as a three print book boxed set.

  • 3/8/20 Author’s note: Pondering doing a single omnibus print/ebook version as well.

Any questions?

If you are a writer and would like to write a guest story during week 2-10, let me know. I’ll give you advanced access to the Story Bible and the Introduction stories for each of the 10 characters.

Write on…

See all the posts in this series in the table of contents.

Author’s Note: This is a beta read draft, written quickly. Please let me know if you have suggestions on making it better without increasing it’s length much. If there is a point where you are pulled from the story or don’t understand, please e-mail me at If I use your tip, you will recieve a free e-copy of the Day Collection when it comes out. AND a mention in the credits!

1 Comment

  1. CASlater

    thin it should be an e-book rather than a?


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